Friday, February 1, 2008

10 Reasons to Run for President, or so they say.......

  1. To change the current illegal immigrant status of this country.
  2. To find alternative to the use of oil?
  3. To help with the health insurance crisis of America.
  4. To help our homeless, whether they are vets or non veterans.
  5. To decrease taxes (to the poor, democrats say and increase to the rich or decrease them across the board as the republicans say).
  6. To aid in education.
  7. To keep free trade alive or kill it?
  8. To keep our country safe.
  9. To keep a woman’s right alive or kill it?
  10. Stronger punishment for criminals?

    Every Democrat or Republican has his or her belief but isn’t it time we changed this country to believe that things have changed? A US where we don’t have to be an ultra conservative or an extreme socialist? I mean wasn’t this country built on the belief you came here to BUILD the American dream? What are some American’s wanting, the American dream to be GIVEN to them? Why is it the other taxpayer’s responsibility to give someone else their hard earned money? Just because they had the gumption to get up off their ass to work hard and make something of themselves there are now penalties for this? Why then, would we keep this dream? If the government is going to continue to want to give it away then why work for it? Shouldn’t everyone in this country want the same things and work just as hard for them? Why so many handouts? SOCALISM is here in the Democrats and in some Republicans (aka McCain). Here is my breakdown of how to solve some of the issues without fail but of course the house and senate would have to pass these ideas….bet these have been thought of but no one is willing to work to have them done. Color outside the box why don’t you??????

Read later for answers!!!!!

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