Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Zombie Driven American's, you tell me!

I always enjoy reading the blogs that have the cut and copy from newscasters/newspaper articles. I think I am more along the line of real hardcore feelings in the political world. I of course have my TV tuned to every major news station in order to keep up with who is saying what and crying where.

Of course I think Hillary pulled those tears out of a hat in order to get a sympathy vote but of course there is only a varied few of us that can feel sympathy for a robotic political figure as she has made herself out to be. I am sure she was told to humanize herself in order to pull more of the vote her way, well dog gone it, it worked! I’m sure Obama never thought that he would lose the race in NH over a few tears in a bakery shop. I guess Obama will have to call in the big guns and ask Oprah to come bail him out of trouble as he is lagging in the polls - I bet - after the showing in NH.

Oh but then again, let’s not trust those polls and for gosh sake there must be some sort of scandal there. I’m sure the Democrats know all about scandal in the voting world after they have accused the Republicans of it the last 2 elections. Will they now be accusing each other? Where will it end? I guess it’s democracy at it’s finest, after all the definition of democracy is - a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections, wasn’t this a “free” election? That is the question on many people’s minds as the polls come in showing numbers much differently than expected.

Now the next question on my mind is, are they all LIBERALS, who is for keeping illegal’s out and abortion in? Has anyone asked the questions you need to know before heading out to the polls? Don’t hang your hat on his hair style or what the newscaster said or how much experience they say they have. Don’t get coerced by haircuts, candy, hot coffee or someone shoveling your driveways. This makes you think doesn’t it? Do we vote based on what’s in it for us right now, what kind of sad American’s are we? Or what’s in it for the LONG HAUL?

You, YES YOU, need to make the decision on your own, not Mom or Dad, not your best friend Mary or Paul, your kitten Muffin or your dog Jack or the dream you had last night where the candidate came to you in a dream and said pick me, this is your life and no one elses and if you don’t stand up for what you believe in, NO MATTER what anyone else thinks about it, then you have given up on what matters most, your future and your family’s future. Think about it.

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